Rawr! | Aggretsuko 10″ Funko Pop Unboxing

Hello everyone! Today, I’m going to show you another Funko Pop but this time, it’s bigger than its usual size.

This Aggretsuko 10″ Funko Pop is a Target Exclusive in the US but made available here in the Philippines with a different sticker. I originally ordered mine at the Glorietta branch of Big Boys Toy Store but ended up getting it at their Shoppesville branch as the paint job wasn’t so good.

Let’s talk about the origin of the character first. As this is one of those collectibles that I bought because it’s cute and not because I’m familiar with its story, I felt the need to do a bit of research. Aggretsuko is a female Red Panda and one of the mascots of Sanrio. Her show debuted on Netflix summer last year and you’ll see her being a part of the accounting department of a trading firm and its regularities as a rank and file. She channels her rage by singing death metal after her work shift at a local karaoke bar and she also has her handy microphone whenever the need to vent out arises. I first saw this character on a wallet by Loungefly and I immediately fell in love. Okay, so I didn’t know that she’s a girl. Then I saw these regular-sized Pops but didn’t exactly inspect them so I just thought there are a lot of characters. Turns out, those are all her and so I got my first female 10″ Funko Pop.  Here’s how the packaging looks like.

There’s a cool Death Metal backdrop you guyths! 😁😁😁

What I like about these 10″ Pops is that they are like Art Toys and they’re really better off outside the box.

Size comparison with my regular-sized Kakashi Pop.

At first, I though she was a cat. I mean look at her face right? Was I wrong to think that she looks like a cat? Then I saw her tail and thought “Wait, she’s a racoon!”. But nope! This is her!!!

Red Panda photo from Wallpaper Abyss

She’s so cute aaaarrrrrgggghhhh!!! May I have her as a pet please? Mom!!! Grrr!

So as a collector, I’m one of those who actually doesn’t care much about the box but so much into the paint job. I inspected a total of 22 boxes before I got this one.
Some of the lines on her face were not that clean so I really had a hard time. Compared to my other 10″ Pops, this has more details so I guess they struggled for a bit there. Both her ears have dents so I’m guessing, that was intended? I’m not sure if that’s Japanese or Chinese but on Netflix’s translation, that scripture on her forehead means rage. 😉

Her office attire is on-point. That’s the exact same thing that she’s wearing on the series. Looking at her tail, I mean that’s a raccoon tail right there, right? HAHAHA! Okay. Fine. She’s a Red Pandaaaa. Look at those cute little fingers (or toes?)! Paint job’s not so good here but that’s totally fine as I can’t see this side from outside the box during the selection process.

I haven’t finished watching its first season on Netflix but I already downloaded the rest of the episodes. I also like Fenneko’s and Secretary Washimi’s character so Funko, hear my plea 😅. That concludes my unboxing of this uber cute collectible and I can’t wait to display her beside my 10″ Jack-Jack at my work station. See you soon! 😂🤫🦄

Rock on!🤟

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